What got me here won’t get me there (pt. 2)

10/15/2012–What got me here won’t get me there

Interviewing is getting easier. After two this week (I hired both), I was bummed to find out the third cancelled her interview. The questions are always the same, and I’ve found it helpful in evaluating results. Every day I’m finding more and more reasons why an effective manager has an insatiable appetite for new employees. Mostly, I’m finding the most difficulty finding someone on the staff who wants to move quickly. There are people who have a sense of urgency, but mostly it’s only when they will be directly affected by its activation. Servers are too comfortable with relaxing and not displaying the pace that I found is contagious.

I haven’t done an O3 for at least a week and it’s leading me to believe I’ve reached my max productivity I’ll reach until I start using a calendar. Goal for tomorrow–have next 7 days in a calendar. This will allow me to schedule my priority first. At 1st thought, my priority would be scheduling. Since shift execution is my focus each day, my priority should be tied to this. Scheduling in a way that leverages staff strength lets me see/predict how each upcoming shift will go. Doing this 1st will allow me to add O3 to their schedules–the biggest boost to chances of O3s occurring. Scheduling 1st will also improve my 2nd important duty–recruiting. Recruiting will be helped because I’ll know when I can do interviews once I schedule O3s. Delegation might not explicitly make it onto my schedule, but its effects–if it’s done effectively–will manifest as a more digestible and implementable schedule for me. After completing my O3s schedule, I’ll be able to copy/paste the O3s into the next week’s calendar for me, acting as a rolling update each week. Following this plan, I’ll have 5 items to consider each week:
– Calendar
– Schedule
– O3s
– Interviews
– Delegation

I finished Drucker’s book this week; it’s so much better than the Oz principle, which is summed up by two sentences of Drucker’s writing. At the library, I noticed the book What Got You Here Won’t Get You There. How profound; though I didn’t check it out I think it’s the sub-conscious inspiration for this post. I enjoyed rapid, small successes in my first three months as a manager. But now I need to use a calendar and delegate–that’s what will get me “there”.

QOTW: “We talked for a long time… I actually think I like her now!” Vedrana
?FNW: Will a calendar help get O3s done? Yes!


11/12/2017 review–Whew what a great tool calendar management is. I’m incredibly fortunate that Manager Tools recommended Peter Drucker’s book The Effective Executive and that it was available when I wanted to buy it. So much has come from implementing recommendations in that book, the first of which was to organize my use of time around my priorities.