Three-year action plan

2/2/2013–Three-year action plan.

I just started reading Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazi. This is a system from that book for looking ahead.


a. Consulting
b. Regional trainer
c. Own a business
d. Family/relationship
e. MBA
f. teacher
g. mentor
h. mentee


2. Mental challenge
3. soccer
4. reading
5. beer
6. food
7. cooking
8. music
9. learning
10. meeting
11. teaching
12. analyzing

In order, check each passion against each goal and list them (e.g. a: 1, 2, 4, 6, 10). Create a three-year plan to achieve the most lucrative goal that most matches your passions. Starting at three years from today, having achieved it, then set a goal 6-months, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 years back, then three months from today, then one month from today.

3 year plan–MBA

3 yr: A goal-MBA (Spring ’16); B goal-Top 5 MBA
2.5 yr: A goal-pass 3rd semester, i.d. post graduation job; B goal-honors/deans list first three semesters
2 yr: A goal-pass 2nd semester; B goal-honors/deans
1.5 yr: A goal-pass 1st semester; B goal-honors/deans
1 yr: A goal-apply 3 MBA programs; B goal-apply to 3 of the top 5 MBA schools
6 mo: A goal-Regional trainer; B goal-own/operate a unit
3 mo: A goal-650+ GMAT score, i.d. MBA targets; B goal-700+ GMAT
1 mo: A goal-Practice gmat score 600+; B goal-study 4 hours/wk

10/25/2017 review: I achieved this goal right on schedule, without referring to this plan. I’m not sure that means I was a good guesser or if it’s The Secret at work, but it happened. The interim steps definitely didn’t look like I predicted, but the result was achieved. I recently set my new 3-year goal: to have a direct report. While I don’t know how I’ll get there (nor where I’ll be working) I feel encouraged by the success from other  goals I’ve achieved after writing them somewhere (act in something, play a show in Cincy).