Dying Hungry and Thirsty

10/1/2017–“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” –Anaïs Nin

There’s a proverb about a wandering animal who’s close to dying from both hunger and from thirst. The animal, fortunate beyond its awareness, comes upon a puddle of water with a bit of food next to it. Unable to decide whether to first drink or eat, the animal does neither and dies. I feel a little bit like this animal sometimes, with many fruitful paths in front of me. If I’m to acknowledge my fortune, I’ll seek to be more passive than active in optimizing my activities. Having stripped away many of the unproductive uses of time, I’m now prone to wasting time analyzing what I “should” be doing. I’d benefit now from relaxing my grip on my time and energy, having designed my common environments to minimize the stuff I obsessively despise and compulsively avoid.

This will take courage to neglect the urge to over prepare; courage that I think will enable my life to expand.

QoTW: “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Jalaluddin Rumi