Draft Letter to End Training

5/4/2013–Ryan, Chris, and Mark:

It is within the best interest of our unit, you, future managers in training, our management team, and myself to discontinue training managers at our location. We aren’t hitting financial goals (state which ones). We aren’t retaining people (which/when). We are producing M.I.T.s. We are not developing managers effectively. We have two potential partners who need to move from FoH to BoH or vice versa, requiring substantial increases (how substantial) in time from J.D. and myself. (why). As a professional I must define my priority to be effective. This is perfect shift execution. “Perfect” measured as a % of sales increase over last year and FoH labor of 4.8% or less. In order to sustain this, I must recruit, select, and develop  an effective FoH team. That is what goes on my schedule 1st and it’s where I spend the most time (how much) (total hrs and %). Not only is it vital to my development as a manager, a perfect shift is what I’m being paid to do.

10/24/2017 review: Whew, intense! I laughed so hard when I read this, mostly due to how I now see myself back then and can totally see myself thinking this a logical message to send. It’s not so much the content and rationale that would’ve been ineffective, but rather the audience and culture we had. I didn’t yet know the value of tailoring your message and channel for the audience’s preference. We ended up getting out of training, but I’m certain this wasn’t the email our unit leader used to have that conversation (he was a much better communicator than I was).