Don’t get too comfortable

8/1/2012: Three weeks feels like two.

The days are flying by, still and they aren’t long, either. This has caused me to feel a little too comfortable, I think, which is dangerous because for the first time yesterday I didn’t scratch anything off my to-do list. I have to remember to push every day before this becomes normal.

I learned this week that any new manager will be tested by staff on how lenient he or she will be. This test will come early and from multiple sources. The lesson: if they’re asking what ‘your style’ is on a questionable issue, it likely means they’ve been told no in the past and they’re hoping you go against what the other person said. They at least know they probably shouldn’t do it; otherwise they would say, “hey I’d like to do this” as a heads-up, instead of asking permission.

Quote of the week: “I’m just waiting for you to tell me what I want to hear…” – Paul

? for next week: 1st meeting with Ryan Monday; What has he heard about me? 8/10 – No work yet.


11/29/2017 review–I’ve seen this a few times in myself since writing this. I generally get along with people such that in the early-going I am prone to missing areas in which I should be more assertive. I’m prone to overlooking situations I should contribute more effort into, or pay closer attention to. “Too comfortable” means I’m not pushing myself toward growth, and that is something to consciously work to avoid.