Employees are turnarounds

8/18/2012--Employees are turnarounds... This idea is from last week, but I started to put it into action this week. The first step is to analyze each employee's situation (strengths/weaknesses). My…

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And the O3s begin…

9/3/2012--And the O3s begin... I'm determined--now after doing four one on ones (O3s)--more than before I started to initiate one on ones. I've gotten great feedback each time, though I've…

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Develop everyone, all the time

10/23/2012--Develop everyone, all the time I missed an opportunity this week. A dedicated, multi-functional host put in his two weeks. He performs a vital function in the restaurant--GSA--in addition to…

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Out of the honeymoon stage

10/9/2012--Out of the honeymoon stage It lasted almost 3 months. Now that I'm out I notice each day the petty issues (headaches) that I would guess lead managers to complain…

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