Book Review: Jesus, CEO

These are the notes I captured from the book Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones.

5/5 stars for its reliability and ease of reading.

Purpose of Book:

To increase awareness of three strengths and to assist in mastering them all.

  1. Self-mastery
  2. Action
  3. Relationships

“If you haven’t been tested by fire, you don’t know who you are. If you don’t know who you are, you cannot be a leader.”

Ed Koch, popular mayor, asked people in-person “how am I doing?”

Founder of USA Today drove around asking what kind of newspaper people liked.

  • Like them, Jesus regularly kept in touch with his boss.


  • did not do some things that he could’ve, choosing instead to stick to his mission.
  • believed in himself 100%.
  • had internal anchors
  • constantly celebrated
  • exhibited ownership
  • didn’t spend significant time judging others
  • expressed himself
  • was willing to look foolish
    • “Don’t beat the donkey… Rethink your route and your mission.”
  • had a passionate commitment to a cause
  • asked for noble things
  • saw love in control of the plan
  • walked through fears
  • was aware of his resources
    • “Great leaders inspire others to the extent that they inspire themselves”
  • prized seed over bouquet
    • “How many seeds are in an apple?”
  • didn’t despise the little things



  • had a plan
  • formed a team
  • called the question
  • came from left field
  • branched out
  • boiled it down (“Love God and neighbor”)
  • was visible
  • was willing to do an end run
  • took the long view
  • took one step at a time
  • took his staff in hand
  • served only the best wine
  • changed the unit of measurement
  • troubled himself on God’s behalf
  • trained his replacements
  • let it go
  • turned things around



  • gave a larger vision
    • “What would your staff say is their job?”
  • beheld his staff
  • said yes
  • was open to people and their ideas
  • empowered women
  • was transparent
  • believed in his staff
  • clearly stated benefits
  • educated people
  • managed from the inside out
  • held people accountable
  • spent time with his staff
  • touched the fragile things
  • kept urging them on
  • had compassion for the crowds
  • served them
    • II Chronicles 10:7 – Be kind, please them, speak good words to them and they’ll love and follow
  • defended them
  • gave them authority (delegated)
  • played with them
  • harbored (presumed) only goodwill
  • gave them something tangible to remember him by (passover/communion)
  • saw them as gifts
  • saw them as his greatest accomplishment
  • never considered a win until everyone won