Dying Hungry and Thirsty

10/1/2017--“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” --Anaïs Nin There's a proverb about a wandering animal who's close to dying from both hunger and from thirst. The animal,…

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Email is Asynchronous

9/26/2017--It's hard, but I try to avoid sending emails when I need quick replies. Sometimes I forget an important benefit of email: it allows asynchronous communication. In other words, it's…

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Life in a Day

9/23/2017--What would a day look like if it were designed like the life you wanted, and fit to-scale at 24 hours? I'd like to spend one day as though it…

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Book Review: Primal Blueprint

These are the notes I captured from the book Primal Blueprint: Reprogram Your Genes for Effortless Weight Loss, Vibrant Health, and Boundless Energy by Mark Sisson. 4/5 stars for its balance…

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Book Review: Jesus, CEO

These are the notes I captured from the book Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones. 5/5 stars for its reliability and ease of reading. Purpose…

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