Pink hair and policies
12/31/2012--Pink hair and policies; one you can't live with, and the other is a dangerous crutch. A host came in with pink hair. We're not that kind of place. Being…
12/31/2012--Pink hair and policies; one you can't live with, and the other is a dangerous crutch. A host came in with pink hair. We're not that kind of place. Being…
12/18/2012--Luck=opportunity + preparation. I'm going back to my home store for good. 1st I get to help this location run shifts for a month or so, but then I'm back…
1/7/2013--A bunch of individuals is not a team. The store I'm currently working with is the most frustrated I've met so far. They don't have any form of unity, other…
1/15/2013--Relationship power dwarfs role power. Two days left in the store I'm currently visiting. They want me to stay. This is more--almost superfluous--evidence validating the idea that relationship power vastly…
1/20/2013--First impressions: smile, shake, ask. When meeting someone for the first time, being "friendly" is a no-brainer. But just like when giving feedback, friendly is not a behavior. Just because…
1/29/2013--To know myself, I had to learn about others. It's my last week til I go home. I'm trying to think if I'd do anything different if I did this…
2/2/2013--Three-year action plan. I just started reading Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazi. This is a system from that book for looking ahead. Goals/Dreams a. Consulting b. Regional trainer c.…
2/12/2013--This is an experience I had with an employee who taught me that we can't manage people's character. The employee has served here for 8ish months. He's possibly getting fired…
2/19/2013--Seek a routine for effectiveness. I've been back home almost two weeks and ironically the only negative is I miss the hotel. Not the room itself--I won't stay at Extended…
3/6/2013--I left the fish cart out the other night. Well, we all did, but I'm responsible for walking through the kitchen and making sure it's closed correctly. It was a…