Advent conspiracy Week 3 – Give More


God is calling us to give more intentionally and relationally. That means giving more of our time, our energy, our attention, our presence. It’s a both/and. Spend less money and give more of yourself to the ones you love.

Relational giving means that we think about the other person–who they are and what they care about. We focus more on giving our undivided presence and less on a pile of presents under the tree. These kinds of gifts take time and require planning, but you’ll hardly be able to wait until Christmas to give such a gift!

When we give relationally during the Advent season, this is what we remember: it’s an opportunity to worship as we remind each other of the gift that was given for our sake.
If this year we can resist the trap of giving easy gifts, and reject the assumption that giving expensive gifts is the best way to express love, something else might begin to happen. Our kids, family, neighbors, and coworkers will watch us celebrate Christmas differently, and they’ll hear the good news of the Gospel.
Some ideas to help you give more:

  • If you’re overwhelmed, start small. Choose one person to give a relational gift to.
  • Invest in experiences you can share. Sign up for dance lessons, go camping, plan a vacation, take cooking classes.
  • On Christmas morning, turn off your cell phone. Take a couple hours to be present with your family and focus on the people God has put in your life.
  • Share memories. Make a recipe book or photo album.
  • Get a blank journal and write notes and prayers to your kids or spouse.
  • Give a copy of your favorite book to a friend and then meet up for coffee and discuss it. Then switch and read their favorite book.
  • Buy someone a gift that relieves a burden: babysitting money, yard work, groceries.
  • Give the gift of hospitality. Invite a new family over for dinner and games.
  • Do an activity with your kids – puzzles, jewelry making, baking, hiking, fishing.
  • If someone on your list is passionate about an organization or cause, find a gift that celebrates their interest.
For more ideas visit
